It combines two filters, switched on or off at will, and lets you select the desired color, angle and gradient with maximum density, minimum density and a highlight value.

Color Cast Color Cast offers a digital graduated filter. Now and then, just for some peace of mind, I like to do a System File Scan in Windows XP (SFC /SCANNOW).
A-PDF Content Splitter is an utility that lets you to split composite PDF documents (such as invoices, records or salaries) to pieces by invoice number, account number or employees name which statement in a pdf file. Includes a mist function and sharpening FX. View A Vsd File Software Listing (). X-Focus: The X-Focus component combines 3 popular focus filters: soft focus, vari focus and depth of focus. It's an effective tool for dealing with jpeg artifacts and digital image noise such as grains, screens and color banding effects. The biggest advantage is the combination of chromatic and luminosity correction with the 3-way tonal sensitivity sliders (light, mid, dark). Easy to use sliders and numerical fields enable quick and accurate correction of images. Reduce Noise: Besides luminance based reduction of digital noise, this component also offers chromatic noise reduction. Built on an enhanced algorithm, this PhotoTools component offers 4 commonly used blur styles: Gaussian, Motion, Smart and Radial blur.
Advanced Blur: All different blur adjustments in one easy to use interface, with full preview.

One can precisely define contour size, sensitivity, amplification and contour response and even selective sharpening based on luminance.

The filter identifies color differences and offers controls for changing sharpness. Unsharp Mask: This component is used for making images look more crisp or for adding special sharpening effects. The option to save the specific job settings for repeated use boosts productivity. It consists of 5 components that work independently as well as in combination with the other plug-in components. Directly aimed at the Photoshop professional seeking an easy to use solution with all important tools directly available from one interface. The Aurelon PhotoPro PhotoTools is a set of post photographic tools neatly packed into one Photoshop plug-in.