Some years ago I found myself thinking about autofocus Nikon cameras and after a fair bit of research, I landed on the Nikon F100. The first has already been filled by the Nikon FM3A (on two separate occasions but that’s another story).

In amongst the variations I’m trying to cross off the list are two slots set aside for 35mm SLR cameras. My film camera dream team spans formats and types, from large format field cameras to 110, medium format, 35mm rangefinders and SLRs…and that’s where this story begins. In fact, until this article goes live, he doesn’t even know I’m writing anything about it. Additionally, based on my conversations with others who have used JCH before, I can’t see anything in the service I received that would single me out as being “special”.

Prior to contacting Bellamy about the F6, I had not previously expressed an interest in using his services to buy gear. He was one of the first people I bugged for an interview all the way back in June 2015 and is a regular “guest” on an occasional podcast I record with 35mmc’s Hamish “no MC” Gill. I’ve known Bellamy for several years now.

Before that, please indulge me in a little disclosure and backstory. Since there’s not a hell of a lot out there on the web about using procurement services like JCH, I thought I’d add a few of my own about the experience. Armed with my research and kit list, I engaged the services of one Bellamy Hunt (Mr Japan Camera Hunter). When it came to the task of adding a Nikon F6 to my dream team, I wanted to let someone else do all the legwork for a change. EMULSIVE Santa match confirmations have been sent out to this year's 850 players! If you have any questions about your match or the process, please reach out via Elfster ASAP.